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Quranic Surahs have great spiritual and physical benefits. Some Quranic surahs and their
benefits are as follow:
1) Surah Fatiha:
Surah Fatiha is the first “opening” Quranic Surahs. It is also called Umm Al-Kitab (the Mother
of the Book), according to the majority of the scholars. There are seven verses in this Quranic
Surahs. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) said that a person who recites Surah Fatiha daily, He will
get the reward for reciting (2/3) of of the whole Quran. Surah Fatiha is a cure of each illness.
Whoever cant be cured by surah Fatihah, then there is no cure for that individual. In the same portrayal it is composed that if this surah is recounted 101 times on any piece of the body that is paining, the pain will clearly go away. Read this Surah 41 times, if your eyes hurt.

2) Surah Ikhlas:
This Quranic Surah is one third of Holy Quran. It has four verses. Reciting (Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad) brings a reward equivalent to reciting one-third of the Qur’aan, but it does not take the place of reading one-third of the Qur’aan.
It is narrated that if a person does not recite this Quranic Surahs in any of his five daily prayers, it is as if he has not prayed. In fact, if a person does not recite this Quranic Surahs in any of his prayers for seven consecutive days, and he dies, it will be as if he died while following the religion of Abu Lahab.
When a person goes to see a unjust man in authority, he should recite this Quranic Surahs 3 times and close the fist and open the fist when the interview is finished.
If this Quranic Surah is recited over the eyes of a man suffering eye sore he would be cured.

3) Surah Nas:
This Quranic Surah “Surah AN-Nas has six verses. Surah an-Naas and al-Falaq are together
called Ma’udhatayn and whoever recites this Quranic Surahs in his house every night, will be kept safe from Jinnaat and the evil designs of Shaitan.
If this Quranic Surah is put around the neck of a child as a talisman, the child will be protected from Jinnat. Reciting the Ma’udhatayn before sleeping is a means of safety and if recited on any part of the body that is paining, the pain will be relieved.

4) Surah Yasin:
This Quranic Surahs “Surah Yasin” has 83 verses. Whoever recites this Quranic Surahs solely for seeking the pleasure of Allah (S.W.T.), all his sins will be forgiven and he will be given the reward equal to the reward of reciting the whole Qur’an 12 times. If this Quranic Surah is recited near a person on his deathbed, then for each letter recited, 12 angels are sent to pray for his forgiveness and they remain even when the soul is being taken by the Angel of Death. The angels also take part in his funeral rites.
Whoever recited this Quranic Surahs in the morning will be protected from all calamities and problems during the day and whoever recites it at night will be protected from Shaitan by seventy thousand angels. Recitation of this Surah saves one from the squeezing of the grave and its other torments. Passing the difficult stages in the hereafter will also be made easy for him.

5) Surah Rehman:
This Quranic Surahs “Surah Ar-Rehman” has 78 verses. Reciting this Quranic Surahs on Friday after the dawn prayers carries great reward. Surah Ar-Rahman removes hypocrisy from one’s
On the Day of Judgement, this Quranic Surahs will come in the shape of a human being who will be handsome and will have a very nice scent. Allah (S.w.T.) will then tell him to point out those people who used to recite this Surah and he will name them. Then he will be allowed to beg
pardon for those whom he names and Allah (S.W.T.) will pardon them.

Surahs and Their Benefits 1: Headliner


Boac, Marinduque, Philippines



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